Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Will the Front Gate Run Similar to the Wyoming Gathering?

This photo is pretty self explanatory. Law Enforcement has established a roadblock and their presence with weapons, or "guns in the church" as folks at the rainbow gatherings say. I believe this photo was taken in Colorado, where a road block took place during a long segment of the gathering.

In Wyoming 2008, Front Gate crews worked harmoniously to keep the gate alcohol free and to keep the Law Enforcement from blocking access to the gathering. It was not a complete success, but there was definite progress in this co-operative effort that made a huge difference.

I helped maintain a welcome kitchen/camp at the front gate in Wyoming to feed the gate crew, fire crew, Welcome band of aging and young hippies of the rainbow family of living light. I was in great company, to include the body and soul of one Barry Adams, montana, plunker who held down the gate for well over two weeks. Plunker started before Raven and I arrived and he maintained his stand at the front gate to keep the LEO's from blocking it to take it for their vantage point. When his partner arrived, plunker went inside the gathering to be with his family. Raven and I stayed for the duration of about three weeks.

I am wondering how it will operate this year and would love some dialogue about this issue. Is anyone interested in maintaining or volunteering at a welcome center front gate camp this year?

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